The Secret to Competition in Vintage

Vintage Garage Chicago, how to buy the best vintage 50 tips. 5051 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL 60040

Read, Shop or no Shop and The Least you Need to Sell Vintage  If you sell vintage, or want to become a dealer someday, you are welcome to fill out the Vintage Dealer survey.  There is a lot of competition in the vintage industry. No doubt. Any niche market you decide to get

Vintage Christmas Trends

Vintage Kitschmas silver angel ornament modernist ornaments and bottle brush wreaths. Vintage Christmas at Vintage Garage Chicago.

Vintage Christmas Trends  We’re seeing awesome vintage Christmas trends.  Mid-century holiday is still going strong.  Popular decorating items for the season are from all eras but particularly the 1950’s through the 1970’s. On to the Vintage Garage Holiday trends- here we go– Vintage Holiday Gift Boxes The vintage graphics make these

Jims pick, Record Players from Audio Archeology

As seen at the Vintage Garage Chicago an Audio Visual Instruments record player

Record Players Audio Archeology always brings interesting vintage Record Players and Hi-Fi’s.  John’s been with us from the beginning and joins us in Evanston too. He surprised me at the Vintage Garage season opener a couple years back, with the Audio Visual Instruments Schoolroom record player. Big and boxy with

Memorial Day is Almost Here! Summertime Retro Vintage Photos

Vernacular photograph of child in fertalizer spreader.

Throw back to last year and a timeless video of ladies in their vintage bathing suits and spring and summer clothing.  Just in time to kick off summer! Plenty of vintage fishing and swimming.  Love the beach shot too! Don’t forget to check the schedule to see what we are