What's it Worth? Appraisals Chicago.
If you are looking for values on items you've inherited, or for things you've had for a long time, you may be looking for appraisals Chicago. "What's it worth" is the question that drives most everyone in the vintage/antiques world, on both sides of the table. Buyers and sellers. Is this something that is easily researched online? Sometimes. Finding out what's it worth could possibly be done with an Internet search of various places that sell antiques and vintage online. Remember, it's important that you compare comparable items. Meaning, if one is beat up and the one you have is in pristine condition, that affects value. Condition is key. It's important to take an average if there is enough data. Sometimes there are outliers. Just like stores, prices can vary depending on where you are buying. Places like 1st Dibs are going to be asking the highest retail price possible for an item. That doesn't mean if you find one of what you have on 1st Dibs, that's what you'll get for it. Do you have a business? Do you have a 1st Dibs store? (costly) If you don't, you won't get anywhere near that price. Ebay, Etsy or Ruby Lane can also be used to identify items and give you a possible idea of value. Again, remember, unless you have a store in any of these venues, the chances of you getting the same price can be difficult. What's it worth depends on who is willing to purchase it. Saying you saw it on Ebay for X dollars and expecting someone to pay that is going to leave you with a lot of unwanted merchandise. You have a few choices: Build yourself a vintage business and rating on Ebay or Etsy; Learn about product photography and how to ship properly; Sell to a professional with a good reputation and a good customer base.
The Chicago Vintage Clothing and Jewelry Show will take place March 1, 3pm to 8pm, March 2, 2019. 10am to 5pm at 5649 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60660. St. Andrews Greek Orthodox Church at the corner of Hollywood and N. Sheridan Road. The official website is www.vintageclothingandjewelry.com
The 2018 Vintage Garage dates are April 22, May 20, June 17 , July 15, August 19, September 16, and October 21. There will be 100 vendors offering cool vintage and antique pieces every 3rd Sunday, April to October. Vintage Garage is located at 5051 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640. Hours are 10:00 am to 5:00 pm with a $5 admission. Official website is www.vintagegaragechicago.com.