Imaginary Girl Vintage

Sarah Emerick of Imaginary Girl Vintage has been with the Vintage Garage since the first season! Offering carefully selected vintage clothing and accessories, you can always find something great in her booth.

Sarah also designs one-of-a-kind handcrafted jewelry. Her button rings are so cool! Find her at the Garage at the top of the ramp before you turn left on the second floor.

On April 19th, Sarah will offer V.I.G.s (Very Important Garagers) a free button ring of your choice with purchase of $20 or more OR 20% off total purchase when you spend $20 or more.

Find Imaginary Girl Vintage on Etsy,  Imaginary Home Vintage Etsy and Facebook.

If you would like to sell vintage at the Garage, APPLY NOW.

Vintage Garage Chicago is a Chicago flea market on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
Vintage Garage Chicago is a Chicago flea market on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
Vintage Garage Chicago Flea Market Vintage Clothing and shopping. July is all about vintage fashion!
Imaginary Girl Vintage
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